Friday, February 8, 2019

Innovative Learning Techniques


The Team Ad D’sign Project  was planned to bring out the latent creativity in the student learners as part of their Course in Advertising Management. ‘Creativity is many a time situational and the young students may not be aware of their latent talent in contributing to the Designing of an Ad and Presenting the same’.
The VARK (Visual, Aural, Read/Write and Kinesthetic) Model of Learning conceptualized by Neil Flemming was used for this Collaborative Creative Project
The Objectives of the Exercise are to:
1.     Use the Advertising principles to design an excellent Ad
2.     Plan intensively the concept using ‘Out of the box’ thinking and the USP of the Product
3.     Identify the Core competencies and strengths of the Team members and work collaboratively to present their Ad
4.     Create a niche for their product in the market, as a newly introduced one.
Pre Day Process Guidelines:
The students were divided into 2 groups using the Random method of chance
Each of the 2 groups had a designated Leader who will inspire, elicit creativity based on the strengths of each member (SWOT done earlier) and coordinate the ideas and efforts of the Team
The Teams were told the day before that they could bring whatever items they thought would help in designing the Ad (Resource Visualization) and each Team would be provided with the necessary Charts
The teams were instructed that they would not be allowed to borrow anything from the other teams
The Teams would be provided with a Common Artifacts Juke Box from which they could use whatever they wanted
On Day Instructions ( 2nd February  2018)
*    All the teams assembled in the classroom at 1.15 pm
*    Each of the Teams assembled their members at the Big Table provided to each in the classroom in G 4
*    The Leaders picked their Products randomly in the Chits placed in the Lucky Box
*    The Teams were given 3 hours to plan, design and present their Products
*    Each Team consisted of 4 members
*    The Faculty Coordinator conceived 4 different products as follows:
1.    MAAZTA – pasta with a difference
2.    ZINGA – a drink for  Gen Z
Presentation format
Ø Each Team was given three hours to design their Advertisement
Ø Each Team could use their Android Phones or iPad for fifteen minutes (integrating technology into their own ideas)
Ø Each of the Teams presented their products through the Charts and through acting out the Ad using created products and even jingles.
Ø Each team had their unique strengths in some way or other, having a level playing field with each other.
Ø Each team took 4 to 5 minutes to make their presentation with a creative concept and personal presentation.
Feedback of their experience
§  Every Team gave their Oral and Verbal feedback, dwelling on how they felt it was so good to tap their own creativity and work in a Team
§  Each of the Teams opined that this Exercise must be used for all batches of students.
§  Great Team work and fantastic output! A rewarding and enriched feeling!

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